VIP Coaching: +16467279224
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Welcome to the home of uncommon opportunity.
VIP Coaching: +16467279224
Welcome to the home of uncommon opportunity.
Welcome to the home of uncommon opportunity.
Since 1997, we have been empowering sales professionals and ambitious young entrepreneurs to achieve success, freedom, and fulfillment. Through our proven Alpha Selling System and exclusive Kaizen-style business coaching, we help clients increase their sales revenue while uncovering their true purpose. Headquartered in New York City, we offer transformative online business courses designed for professionals and rising talent alike. For exclusive virtual business coaching, call +16467279224
We empower gifted young entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners to achieve their sales and marketing goals more effectively through our proprietary Kaizen-style business development methodology,
propelling them into the top one percent of their field.
Alpha Corporate Sales leverages an Ikigai-centered neuromarketing approach to boost sales, expand market share, and enhance client
loyalty. Join our sales training program to experience
world-class education in enterprise sales
and executive coaching.
Since 1997, Dr. Stanley Wilson has served as the president of Alpha Corporate Sales, a trailblazer in corporate sales
training and personal development.
Today, Alpha Corporate Sales stands out as a globally recognized leader in Kaizen-based business education, enterprise sales training, and executive coaching, offering a virtual business
school tailored for gifted young entrepreneurs.
Previously a profiler and neuroscientist, Dr. Wilson discovered his passion for teaching Kaizen business principles after helping a family member close a multi-million-dollar oil deal in 1992.
This pivotal coaching experience inspired Dr. Wilson to transition into full-time Ikigai business consulting, serving Fortune 500 corporate clients and young entrepreneurs.
Today, Dr. Wilson heads a globally acclaimed sales training firm that specializes in Kaizen-style business development education,
empowering corporate executives and aspiring young
entrepreneurs worldwide.
Our transformative approach redefines health, wealth, business, and personal relationships in a bold and revolutionary way
for hundreds of decision makers worldwide.
We empower our protégés to launch and scale their businesses, helping them cultivate laser focus, discipline, knowledge,
impact, and happiness as future global leaders.
Our graduates also have the opportunity to earn income as our affiliate marketing associates through our Alpha program.
Enroll in our online course HERE.
Ready to transform your life and become a high-performing global leader or influencer? Experience our exclusive Alpha Selling System and Kaizen-style business coaching.
Our exclusive one-on-one Kaizen business coaching or in-person sales training or over-the-phone mentoring is priced
at $2,700 per hour.
Email or call: +16467279224
Alpha Corporate Sales teaches young entrepreneurs simple Kaizen principles to successfully manage their businesses, health, wealth, and relationships.
125 Park Avenue, 21st Floor, New York City, New York, 10017, U.S.A.
61/F, 6305-06, Level 6, Hong Kong Business Center, 99 Queen's Road, Central Hong Kong
Unit 2015, Level 20, Tower 2, SIC, No. 8 Century Avenue Pudong, Shanghai, 200120 China
Level 7, Yusen Building, 2-3-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005 Japan
Alpha Corporate Sales is a global leader in on-demand business education, enterprise sales training, and executive coaching.
125 Park Avenue, New York City, New York, 10017
For VIP Executive Business Coaching, call: +16467279224
Invention And Patenting Help
We help inventors who have great ideas patent and market them globally. We help inventors secure their royalty compensation for their hard work. As experienced inventors and business entrepreneurs ourselves, we know quite a bit about the process of patenting and marketing a product or services to global end-users or large distribution channels. If you need help with patenting and marketing your idea globally to receive residual royalty income, call: +16467279224
Alpha Corporate Sales will forever change the way you think about patenting and marketing your invention. We can help you stay profitable by helping you patent and market your invention around the world with our proprietary methodology. We use our proprietary patenting and marketing System that works by identifying what others have missed during the patenting process. Call today for more information: +16467279224
Free patent help:
We offer jobs to qualified applicants who are searching for a career with a unique company where they could materialize their visions. We prefer to hire applicants who dream big.
Transform your life by joining our sales & marketing team as a full-time or part-time salaried employee or as an independent business-development consultant earning more than you think is humanly possible.
Founded in 1997, our firm is headquartered in New York City and offers sales training and online business courses to sales professionals and gifted young entrepreneurs (our precious protégés or students and future global leaders) from anywhere in the world.
You may upload your resume and mission statement HERE to apply for our affiliate sales position. We typically respond by email within 72 hours.
We use proprietary negotiation techniques that work by identifying what others have missed -- a controlled interaction with the prospect's subconscious mind to close nearly 95% of all qualified prospective clients.
The concept of the sub-conscious (and super-conscious) mind and its communication during the sales cycle with prospective clients is at the heart of our System.
We could give an 8-hour-long lecture on this topic because is it quite vast, but, in the interest of time, we'll cover only the most pertinent aspects of the super-conscious mind and how it relates to closing more business or more sales -- if used correctly.
As experienced entrepreneurs and psychologists, we help salespeople, business owners, and executives become more effective by teaching them our Alpha Selling System that is based on neuroscience and psychology.
Our System crystalizes what actually needs to take place in order to close a sale and then to keep that sale (i.e. as in preventing unexpected or early contract cancellations or "buyers' remorse" notices).
In short, we teach our clients /students the psychology behind getting consistent results when it comes to finding and closing new business.
So what is the superconscious mind and how is it connected the subconscious mind?
There is only ONE MIND - which is divided (for the sake of convenience and understanding), according to its functions, into three functions of the one mind: conscious, subconscious and superconscious.
The term Superconscious Mind stands for One Universal consciousness, for totality of all knowledge, information and power -- called by various names Universal Mind, the Infinite Mind,
the Universal Consciousness, the Source, Divine Mind, Akasha, Light, God Mind, or simply God.
Superconscious mind is omnipresent, and as ONE MIND is expressing through all, and each human mind is only an individualized center of consciousness of this ONE MIND.
Contrary to popular opinion, your mind is not your body -- your body is in your mind, so to speak.
The term Subconscious Mind stands for your individual accumulation of knowledge through personal experience. Your subconscious mind contains all of your past programming, your samskaras (mental and emotional imprints from the past that was erased or "dimmed down" as you started to develop as an infant in a physical human body), your beliefs about yourself and the world around you.
Your subconscious is a storehouse of all your thoughts and feelings, which together release a VIBRATION that is as material (physical) as is this very text that you are seeing on your screen.
This vibration through the Law of Resonance manifests in your experience everything that resonates with that vibration.
The term Conscious Mind stands for whatever you are currently consciously aware of.
Sacred or spiritual literature uses the term "soul" or "spirit" to refer to the subconscious mind.
Some spiritual literature refers to the subconscious mind as your "inner self" in expressing "as you think in your heart" or "as you believe in your heart" you can say that your physical body is part of your subconscious mind, in a manner of speaking.
Ericksonian hypnotists and psychologists may use the term Unconscious Mind, to refer both to the Subconscious and Superconscious Minds -- in other words, for everything that is happening out of your conscious awareness.
Hypnotists who are teaching hypnosis according to NGH curriculum, use the term Unconscious Mind to refer to functions of the body they believe are out of your range of control.
When people use the term "hypnosis," they are generally referring to accessing the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind contains only your past experiences and knowledge.
Even though you are free to access the INFINITE knowledge, resources and power from your Superconscious Mind, many hypnotists and people using self-hypnosis tend to focus only on programming or re-programming the sub-conscious mind with ideas that originate from the limited information obtained through past experiences.
This is sometimes sufficient to make monumental changes to your new skills and capabilities, depending on what goals you desire to achieve.
However, if you are faced with a challenge that seems to be greater than anything you know based on your past experiences, or you simply desire to keep unfolding your limitless potential, to do that -- you'd have to access your super-conscious mind.
While all kinds of things may be impossible for your individual self to accomplish, nothing is impossible for your Infinite Super-conscious Mind or your True Self, and you can experience it in your daily life as you allow more and more of your Infinite Mind or Inner Self to express itself through you in your daily life.
Whatever limitations you are experiencing are strictly due to the limiting beliefs that you hold in your subconscious mind. The primary way to overcome them is by aligning your conscious and subconscious minds with the super-conscious mind.
You do this by being ready to let go of your own (learned made-up) beliefs about yourself and the world around you and opening yourself to the information, the power and the Frequency of God (a/k/a Agape Love) flowing into your "center of consciousness" directly from the super-conscious mind.
In some spiritual literature this process is often referred to as exploring your inner self or surrendering to God.
Some people are wary of the term "surrender," but it is just another way of saying "opening" yourself to allow the flow of boundless Universal Energy, resources, knowledge and power to enter your Soul.
In the process of surrender, as you begin to express more and more of your infinite potential, you begin to identify with your Infinite Self, with your God Self, instead of with your limited physical self (fake or made-up name printed in your passport that may or may not belong to you).
Then you suddenly discover that the only thing that you were surrendering or giving up was your limited individual knowledge (mostly a bunch indoctrination "garbage" that you inherited from your parents, guardians, and school teachers) to your All-Encompassing, Infinite, Super-conscious Self, and all kinds of your "bad habits" or limitations were spontaneously erased from your mind and your life, and "miracles" followed wherever you went.
Your individual self is like a drop of water. Your super-conscious mind is like an ocean. To a drop of water it is impossible to push a boat on its own, but as part of an ocean it is virtually unstoppable.
A drop of water fully surrendered and merged with an ocean doesn't think of itself as a mere drop of water -- it thinks and acts
as an ocean, which is our ultimate goal.
When you begin to identify yourself not only with your body, but with the Universe, with ALL beings on Earth and in our Universe, more and more of the attributes of your Superconscious Self begin to express through you -- power, wisdom, and love. You begin to feel at peace. You begin to feel truly alive for the first in your life.
As you let this this boundless power flow through you, you may experience it as electricity running through your physical body. You may feel all buzzed up, which is why it is so exciting and electrifying exploring your limitless potential. It feels incredible.
Your heart may well up with feeling of gratitude and you may find yourself crying at times from the sheer wonder and grandeur of these new experiences.
You may experience odd symptoms in your body, as your whole being is adjusting to be a conduit for more power.
The process of engaging the super-conscious mind is often referred to as de-hypnosis or sobering-up from the fake reality around us, which is the ultimate goal to de-hypnotize yourself from the limiting beliefs you accepted about yourself and your relationship to the world around you.
Just like in an ordinary hypnosis session, your mind is focused on your outcome, except that what you are focusing upon is not any particular manifestation or solving of a problem, but the experience of your Infinite Super-conscious Mind or your Tue Self -- without any fake labels that society had given you over the years.
During traditional hypnosis or hypnotherapy sessions -- you'd work with a hypnotist or hypnotherapist on one specific issue at a time -- an issue that is presenting a challenge for you.
This process generally consists of changing the beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind regarding a specific issue.
Some hypnotists may also attempt to help you get rid of a problem by providing guidance to help you get into a relaxed state of mind and then just repeat over and over the direct suggestion which is meant to help you get rid of the problem (e.g. for weight-loss, "You're slim now," or for smoking cessation, "You're a non-smoker now").
Since this approach does not deal with any possible benefits you are deriving from your current challenge, the effectiveness of this approach may be questionable.
If, instead, you chose to engage in the process of de-hypnotizing yourself and engaging your super-conscious mind -- even though you may not be directly focusing on any specific issue -- you may discover that the challenges you were facing before simply begin to disappear.
If you were having a weight problem, you could experience an inner urge to engage in activities and nutrition that promotes your ideal weight.
If you were having a problem with substance abuse, you could experience that any desire for a particular substance has simply vanished without any withdrawal symptoms.
Now you are beginning to access the super-conscious mind through your subconscious. So, the process of accessing it is the same as accessing the subconscious through hypnosis. The difference lies in what you do next.
The term to "manifest" is used continuously with no thought given to how it is possible. Material objects do not appear from nothing.
To "manifest" something means to make certain by transitioning into the human visual range. The below example suggests one of the methods used. Sub-atomic particles (a/k/a the Divine Light) are linear and non-polar.
When intention is introduced, the subtle particles slow down and begin to transition into super-concentrated cyclonic events. "Cyclonic" means complimentary state of action and "clone" means a copy of an original form or matter.
This implies that everything in our Universe is the manifested Divine Light, which was the source of all matter at the time our physical reality was formed. This process could be visualized by imagining two bathtub drains, one in the northern hemisphere and the other one in the south.
In the tub there is no polarity. By intent, Divine Light slows forming whirlpools which acquire in the outer bands and neutral at a fulcrum or zero point.
Each drain sets up a torsion field, and because of the plus and minus fields we have heterodyning torsion fields. Any two of the inside bands spinning toward each other, are attracted and begin to form filaments which wrap like planetary nodes or chakras or our own DNA.
To turn your life around 180 degrees with our transformational VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Are you a real estate agent who is tired of chasing after "ghost" clients?
Want to learn how to close 9 out of 10 sales by using our proprietary selling methodology of communicating directly to your prospect's subconscious mind?
Since 1997, we have coached, trained and mentored hundreds of real estate agents and brokers, including new agents, how to consistently sell 50, 120, and even 400 units a year on our Alpha Selling System. To turn your life around with our transformational VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224.
We guarantee that you will learn how to close 9 out of 10 sales consistently and reach your desired real estate production goals within 90 days of starting our sales training. As an agent /broker you will produce results at least 45% higher in closed sides compared to total annual closed units reported by the local Multiple Listing Service.
What is our track record? We have a 20+ year long track record with virtually every agent who took our class and ended up successfully doubling his/her sales within 90 days. Some of those agents decided to start their own real estate agencies using our coaching and daily support. Today, these brokers recruit new agents and strategically expand their operation across the country and many of them bring up to 30% of their buyers from international markets to buy properties in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami.
Why use our System? As experienced psychologists, we know quite a bit about the neuroscience and psychology of converting prospects into paying clients. If you are a new real estate agent -- we can help you become more profitable and much more effective at closing real estate contracts by focusing on what other agents have missed -- a controlled interaction with the hidden language of the prospect's subconscious mind to close more business or nearly 95% of all qualified prospects approached.
We teach real estate agents and brokers how not to leave business on the table for their competition. We focus on strategically closing every qualified sale without chasing after "ghost" clients. To learn more about our System without procrastinating another day, call us at +1.646.727.9224 or fill out the form below and we'll help you fix your biggest problem of not closing enough sales! Our hourly rate is $2,700 or you could take our online course HERE.
Why is our System so different? Alpha Selling System will forever change the way you prospect and close contracts because it is based on many years of research in neuroscience and consumer psychology!
Many amateur sales trainers teach antiquated selling techniques that are not based on science but on overcoming client objections and just plain strong-arming prospects into signing legally binding contracts and hoping that they will not cancel them the next day.
We, on the other hand, use psychology and neuroscience to quickly build relationships and guide prospects into making decisions that are in their best interest by first properly pre-qualifying them and then building rapport and closing on the deal.
We will help you stay profitable and sell more units by teaching you the industry secrets how to get inside your prospects' minds to facilitate closing every (prequalified) sale and then keeping the sale, such as preventing unexpected contract cancellations or buyer's remorse.
You will be getting referrals from every single new and past client.
To turn your life around 180 degrees with our transformational Private VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Alpha Corporate Sales is the only sales training and business development organization in the world that uses neuroscience and psychology to train sales people, business entrepreneurs, and sales managers to consistently close complex sales.
Have you ever went to see a foot doctor if you had a severe headache?
Well, that's what many salespeople and sales managers do when it comes to hiring sales coaches who are not qualified to be in sales or to teach sales because they don't have the necessary training or expertise in the field of psychology.
You see every sale or purchase is based on the psychology of understanding what triggers a YES response in a potential buyer.
We use several neuropsychological techniques that work by identifying what others have missed -- a controlled interaction with the hidden language of the prospect's subconscious mind to close nearly 95% of all qualified prospects approached.
We have a background in this field and we teach salespeople how to connect and build relationships to close 9 out of 10 sales and not to leave any business on the table for their competition.
Our company was founded by a team of business entrepreneurs and psychologists. Alpha Corporate Sales is the only sales training and business development organization in the world that focuses on applying advanced neuropsychology-based methodology.
We are the only experts in the field who truly understand why people buy and what triggers a buying signal inside the subconscious mind of a prospective client.
To turn your life around 180 degrees with our one-on-one VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Our background is psychology. We have profilers and psychologists on our staff who have created our Alpha Selling System.
Nobody in the industry has the expertise and over 95 years of combined professional neuro-psychology experience that we have!
Our expertise, as psychologists and profilers, is to identify, communicate, and fix the root cause of many problems that occur with a salesperson or a sales team or the entire company as a whole that keeps them from operating at a next-to-maximum or full intellectual and professional potential.
We see mistakes that go unnoticed to most "traditional" sales trainers and "regular" sales people who are not psychologists or are not familiar with our System.
We see problems that salespeople have and are simply unable to correct themselves in order to improve their sales closing ratio and, consequently, their sales production (revenue).
We see those problems and we quickly address and fix them during our coaching sessions. As our student, you too will be evaluated and coached to address and adjust certain sales habits that currently keep you from reaching all your professional and personal goals.
Or as we would say it in our office among ourselves: "We will find the root cause of many underlying reasons for the problems that manifest outwardly in your daily behavior that have been accumulating deep within the recesses of your psyche (your subconscious mind) possibly since your early childhood.
Then we will start erasing and replacing many (wrong) mental "tapes" or programming (commands) that you received, learned, and internalized (like a computer) during your childhood years and during your puberty information-gathering years that keeps governing your daily activity and outlook on life and possibly your (limited) sense of self-esteem and (a multitude of) other self-limiting beliefs on (never) reaching your full potential in your personal life and business or career.
After all, if you did not have any of those limiting mental tapes playing inside your head -- you would be a billionaire with a beautiful and happy spouse and a prosperous career or business and have very few problems in your business /personal life that you could not resolve yourself--without outside help!"
We know and understand very well the underlying reasons why salespeople lose motivation and are not organized to produce at their maximum level -- to reach their full potential and beyond!
We can address and fix all those problems and keep them accountable through weekly (or daily) one-on-one individual or group sales and business coaching sessions that could be done over the phone.
We can help you (and your sales team) remove all mental blocks so you could clearly focus on consistently growing your business with our Alpha Selling System that will help you close 9 out of 10 sales.
Worst case scenario -- you'll double your sales and stay level or "plateau" at that same new production level for many years. But you will see progress within 90 days.
Just call us to schedule a free sales training session and you will see how easy it is to fix your biggest business and personal problems with the help of consultants who actually have a background in clinical and consumer psychology!
Our Alpha Selling System is so effective at converting prospects into paying clients that some of our clients literally refuse to endorse it publicly out of fear that their competitors will hear about it and use it to put them out of business.
And that's the biggest compliment to us and to our work when we hear how powerful and effective our System really is when used by our clients.
To turn your life around 180 degrees with our VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Alpha Selling System is the world's only selling methodology that scientifically facilitates closing more enterprise sales.
We will train you how to be in control of your communication during the entire sales cycle with decision-makers to the prospects from vanishing.
Here is the secret behind why so many prospective clients take your wonderful proposals and other free information and then "suddenly" disappear without a trace.
Every prospect instantly knows when he deals with an inexperienced salesperson and reflexively puts on a mask of appearing to be very "interested" potential client or as an "overly-eager" buyer that "happily" goes along with the sales process for a short time in order to collect or steal the proprietary information or gain valuable product knowledge or pricing and then "suddenly" disappear ... leaving the unprepared novice salesperson utterly perplexed and pondering if he was "shopped" (or tricked) by his competitor who was merely posing as a potential client.
The inexperienced salesperson wants to chase after such "ghost" customer to get the psychological approval that he is worth something (and to try to win his business).
The veteran salesperson, on the other hand, who uses our Alpha Selling System, knows exactly what could go wrong BEFORE it goes wrong and the mistake of trusting the prospect is avoided.
The inexperienced salesperson ALWAYS gets caught into the same trap set up by the cunning "Foxy Loxy" (prospect) who leads the naive "Chicken Lichen" down the dark corridor (of stealing the valuable information) to see the King (to be be ghosted). This is called "unpaid consulting" and should be avoided at all cost.
Sound familiar?
Want to know how to stop prospects from taking your proposals and free information and then disappearing?
Want to learn how to always be in control of your sales process with gatekeepers and decision makers?
Want to learn how to communicate directly to the subconscious mind of your prospects (decision makers) to close every qualified sale without doing unpaid consulting?
Then you definitely need our Alpha Selling System! We have created our selling System to help salespeople close more business on a consistent basis.
We have coined the phrase "shock-therapy" opening. We have started a revolution in sales long before neuroscience was introduced to sales or was taught on tape or in digital form.
We have pioneered the "negative denial" of service in enterprise sales to be able to close 10 out of 10 sales, which must be seen to be believed.
Our System is a must have for sales managers who wonder why there is little motivation among their salespeople.
Sales managers quite often don't give proper sales training or adequate assessment of their sales teams effectiveness.
There is usually a big chasm (divide) between salespeople and their management, which must be addressed in order to see production go up.
Our proprietary System will help salespeople, sales managers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and company executives identify and effectively deal with all these elusive problems involving lack of motivation and proper sales training by our qualified professionals with a background in psychology.
To turn your situation around 180 degrees with our exclusive VIP Executive Coaching (priced at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
We have created our Alpha Selling System, or the System for short, out of the need for professional approach to assessing the needs of potential buyers who are often talked into buying things that they don't need or want by "traditional" or "old-school" salespeople who mostly use pressure techniques to collect a commission check.
You see, our background is psychology and we are the experts at understanding what motivates people to buy and how to focus on communicating a clear message to make this process much more effective and fair to both the seller and buyer.
Hence, Alpha Selling System was born in 1997 as a result of professional collaborative effort between two brilliant profilers who co-founded our company -- Alpha Corporate Sales.
Alpha Selling System is a proprietary selling methodology created by our team of profilers to facilitate the process of selling any product or service in any industry.
Our System helps salespeople, executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs who are involved in sales quickly build long-term relationships and close 9 out of 10 sales without giving away free information or what we call -- doing unpaid consulting and losing control of the sales process, which should be avoided at all times.
We can and we will help you get inside the mind of your prospective customer or client to be able to understand how they process information and make decisions.
You will be able to make an offer that is acceptable and is reflected in their subconscious mind as a great offer that they were looking for.
You see, every contract is signed or every purchase is made by the subconscious mind of the buyer -- not the conscious mind.
If you don't believe this, why would women buy $5,000 brand-name purses when they could buy very similar looking generic purses for only $50 at Walmart or JCPenney?
What is the difference between a KIA badge on the back of your vehicle and that of a Cadillac or a Bentley?
You see, the reason why people buy what they don't need but what is being advertised to them is because the seller has hired professional marketers who understand consumer psychology -- just like us -- who are able to communicate directly to the subconscious mind of the potential buyer -- just like us -- and they communicate this subtle message to the subconscious mind of the buyers for their unresolved childhood issues that manifest themselves through excessive buying patterns that only trained psychologists fully understand (or should understand)!
We could help you learn this extremely valuable skill of communicating to the subconscious mind of your prospective client or customer to literally connect with them on the deepest level to to buy your products or services.
By the way, do you know what the difference is between a client and a customer? Do you know what is the difference between selling and marketing?
Well, the difference is vast and we'll tell you all about it when you contact us by telephone or email.
Another example of how the subconscious mind makes us do strange things in life is: a father who builds a swing set for his child is not doing it to please his child, but to subconsciously meet his own needs -- stemming from his own childhood (sometimes traumatic) experiences -- the father wants to ensure his own peace of mind (by building a swing set now) for when he gets old and will have to rely on his grown child for daily care through their (returned) kindness.
These countless examples are all around us. We understand how and why they happen. We can help you learn how to clearly communicate to the subconscious mind of your prospects and to consistently close 9 out of 10 sales.
If you want to grow your business -- you need our System!
To turn your situation around 180 degrees with our VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Would you like to awaken your mind to the reality of this world and know things as they really are?
Could you then influence others to achieve success?
Are you a spiritual seeker who happens to be a business owner?
Are you pondering the true meaning of life on this planet?
Do you want to awaken to THE reality of this world and know all things as they really are?
Then we have a very special gift of sacred knowledge just for you!
This secret knowledge was reserved for the kings and queens of the past until now!
What are the benefits of our spiritual System?
If you are depressed, overweight, and divorced, and broke -- our System will point out the reasons for your current state and then help fix all those problems because all problems originate in the unseen Universe that the ancients knew more about than we know today with our iPhones!
Have you ever wondered if the Cosmos or the Universe or the plants or animals had a language of their own?
If they did, what would it be like to understand and speak this universal, mathematical, and a very powerful language that controls our DNA and holds all the stars and planets in their orbits?
Could you change the course of events in your life and prevent accidents from happening?
Could your business transactions flow differently without even your active participation?
Could you have any control over you circumstances?
Could you heal yourself from an illness?
Could you become physically fit and emotionally stable?
Could you become balanced and lead a harmonious and happy life?
Could you have a happy and fulfilled marriage and children who will respect you?
As an enlightened entrepreneur, you will be able to learn all the secrets of this ancient knowledge and effortlessly close your biggest business transactions ever.
Alexander the Great was initiated to this sacred knowledge by Aristotle at the age of 12 and was guided by the same meditative training that we have finally formulated into a modern spiritual business training course -- specifically for the spiritual seekers who happen to be in business.
We have researched multiple sources to gather and formulate this ancient formula or the alchemy of health, wealth, and success.
One of the contributing sources of information on advanced age-reversing biotechnology was found by us in a rare collection of coded medical records, the Voynich Manuscript (circa 1405 A.D.), and other research materials marked "Top Secret" that were left behind by the top German scientists at the Lake Toplitz medical laboratory (circa 1943 (A.D.), which came from the Ancient Library of Alexandria, that were transported to Abyssinia, describing the ancient Hyperboreans from the Eternal City of Arkaim (circa 2765 B.C.) in an unknown language that is similar to but predating the Etruscan language (circa 700 B.C.) by at least 2000 years, which resembles the Turdaș-Vinča language, culture, and proto-writings (circa 5720 B.C.).
To turn your life around with our VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Prospective clients have learned over the years how to manipulate and "string salespeople along" to get what they want (free advice and pricing) and then disappear without paying for the service or advice received.
Sound familiar?
How many proposals have you made to prospective clients that went nowhere?
Why does it happen to so many (approximately 86% of) salespeople?
This happens because most salespeople (who did not take our class) do not know how to handle their prospects in a sales cycle and NOT allow them to wonder off.
These salespeople don't have a structured verbal agreement in place. We teach salespeople and entrepreneurs how to properly build rapport with their prospective clients without giving too much product knowledge or free information or what we call "unpaid consulting" during a sales cycle and have a verbal agreement in place that will allow both parties to have mutually-agreed-upon rules.
We also discourage chasing after "ghost" clients that could be their competitors posing as potential "phantom" clients or prospects who want, and, quite often, get pro bono or "free services" or free information without paying for it.
Statistically, this practice of prospective clients stealing information from salespeople happens during 86% of all sales interactions, and, therefore, is quite catastrophic to business development and is a taboo subject for many sales managers to discuss due to the fact that it would expose just how ineffective their sales team really is, which would directly reflect poorly on their role as extremely ineffective sales managers.
Our proprietary System allows salespeople and business owners to remain in complete control during the entire sales cycle or business negotiations until the sale is successfully completed in 9 out of 10 cases.
That's why our methodology makes the difference between being able to successfully close complex sales and endlessly chase after poorly-qualified or "ghost" clients.
Ghost clients are prospects who like to take information or proposals from salespeople but often don't pay for the services by strategically taking the "free" information and then suddenly disappearing, which results in inexperienced salespeople wanting to chase after them without understanding what actually took place.
It's truly a mental game that only a trained psychologist (or a prostitute) would understand. Prostitutes rely on sophisticated mental games in their trade for self-preservation.
To turn your life around with our VIP Executive Coaching (at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Our Alpha Selling System has been tested in the field since 1997 to help salespeople close virtually 95% of all prospects they approach.
Is it possible to close every single sale? Probably not. Even if your are the best psychologist in town.
For example, let's say you could close 9 out of 10 sales very consistently, would you be happy? Probably yes.
How could you close 9 out of 10 sales? Well, it's all about a special methodology.
You see, we have created a proprietary selling methodology that scientifically facilitates closing 9 out of 10 sales.
Let's say you wanted to call your best friend whom you like and ask for a favor: to give you a ride because your car broke down.
Would your friend object? Of course, not.
Or, most likely, not.
Obviously, if you asked a total stranger on the street to give you a ride -- in 9 times out of 10 you will get a NO.
Well, we use the same principle of communicating to the subconscious mind of the prospective client to get the same response -- in a sales scenario with real prospects to say YES to us every single time.
If you knew how it worked -- you would not need us or our System!
You see, most salespeople expect to approach a total stranger on the street, smile a lot, ask for money (try to sell them something), and then they have the audacity to expect that those strangers will give them money right away (i.e. buy their product or service on the first call) because they smile a lot, which is silly to us but it is normal to them because they have been trained (programmed) the wrong way to sell -- to do the wrong things that usually produces the wrong result with their prospects, which is so obvious (weird) to us but is probably so normal (routine) to many of you who are new to sales!
We tell our clients /students to never smile (at first) because that telegraphs to the subconscious mind of the prospect that the salesperson is looking for a free ride (wants something from them)!
So all this time you were trained the wrong way to do the wrong things (like smile too much too soon)?
Yes, indeed, the very basics you were taught in sales were wrong!
We will re-train you to close 9 out of 10 sales on our methodology!
There are probably hundreds of other things that you currently do incorrectly when dealing with your prospects!
But we'll turn it around and turn you into a selling machine!
To turn your life around 180 degrees with our VIP Executive Coaching (priced at $2,700 per hour), call: +16467279224
Alpha Corporate Sales
125 Park Avenue, New York City, NY 10017
For VIP Executive Coaching, call: +16467279224